Deniliquin North Public School

Truth Justice Care

Telephone03 5881 1042



Kidzlink is a wonderful project that brings together students and members of the community. It is held in terms 2 and 3 for blocks of five weeks, and began in 2008.

In 2009 it went from good to better, when the school was successful in receiving a $20 000 grant from the National Australia Bank as part of the bank's 'Schools First' program. Parents Kate Butler and Simone Dudley were instrumental in obtaining this substantial grant and the school is indebted to them for their efforts.

This funding has enabled Kidzlink to grow from its humble beginnings to what it is today-an important aspect of the school's 'Personal Development' program.

Over the years, community role models, and boys and girls from Grades 3-6, have enjoyed all sorts of positive interactions.

Some of the many high-interest activities have included: photography, drama, master chef cook-offs, kite making, professional singing, magic, indoor games, craft and working with wood.

The school has been very fortunate to be able to call upon many excellent facilitators and these have included:

John Tainsh, John Russell and the Deni Menshed (Wood Workers), Rob King (The Kiteman), Debbie Wills (Crafty Creations), Chris Dillon (Vocalising)and the legendary Shane McGrath (Guitar Hero).

It really is an awesome project!