Big Ted
Big Ted,
As yellow as the sun gleaming.
Sits on top of my bed,
With all my other teddies,
But somehow he stands out.
My bedroom is silent,
But I can hear the faint, summer breeze,
When I cuddle up to him.
I feel warm and welcome!
By Sophie Stringer
At home at Xmas time, People smiling, lifts my spirits, Chatter and laughter, Jumping in the dam, Lots of fun. By Sophie Stringer
| On my pony, Dust swirls around as we muster sheep, Dad whistles to the dogs, I smile to myself as I canter on. By Emma McCallum
In the desert, A kangaroo is dying of thirst, A rattle snake rattles and slithers past, I panic. By Jack King | In the foggy cemetery, Ghouls bang on granite tombstones. I hear murmuring and gargling, Surrounded!-I feel thrilled. By Oscar Erard-Farmer |
Down in the tip, Mummies surround me. I hear a rustling in the rubbish, I scream in terror. By Kyeasha Ross |
My Dog Misty
Misty ate a mouse and when we got out of bed she was hardly breathing. When Mum got back from work Misty was still breathing and she was weeing everywhere. Mum took her to the vet but the vet could not do anything because Misty was too sick. She was dying.
When we got back from school we cried. We buried her and she has a plant that flowers, next to her. Dad put a rose plant in front of her.
By Leigh Bassett
Message From a Mouse
1. Go to the marvelous supermarket and buy one dozen super-sized pieces of cheese.
2. Don't buy one dozen mouse traps because I can see your every movement. If affirmative, I will vaporize.
3. Please don't spread the word about me being evil. I will outsmart you and taunt you with Mankind. I will see you at the house, slave!
By Oscar Erard-Farmer
I love the sound of waves crashing, I hate the sound of jack hammers bashing, I love the sound of leaves crunching, I hate the sound of dogs growling, I love the sound of bells ringing, I hate the sound of babies crying, I love the sound of cats purring, I hate the sound of rocks banging, I love the sound of water rushing, I hate the sound of coins jingling, I love the sound of people laughing. By Emma McCallum (2/3H)
| SOUNDS I love the sound of books flapping, I hate the sound of woodpeckers pecking, I love the sound of people laughing, I hate the sound of water splashing, I love the sound of bees humming, I hate the sound of sheep bleating, I love the sound of dogs barking, I hate the sound of glass smashing, I love the sound of whistles wailing, I hate the sound of trees rustling. By Charlotte Warren (2/3H)
SOUNDS I love the sound of the wind swishing and swirling, I hate the sound of guns banging and clanging, I love the sound of nature taking its course, I hate the sound of people talking and making noise. By Tess Hunter (2/3H)
SOUNDS I love the sound of waves crashing, I hate the sound of bombs exploding, I love the sound of music playing, I hate the sound of jack hammers banging. By Jack King (2/3H) | SOUNDS I love the sound of birds chirping, I hate the sound of snakes hissing, I love the sound of king parrots singing, I hate the sound of trees rustling, I love the sound of mice squeaking, I hate the sound of dogs barking, I love the sound of bees buzzing, I hate the sound of paper tearing. By Ryan Borella-Holschier (2/3H)
Do Cane Toads Make Good Pets?
Some people think that cane toads would make good pets. I think that is incredibly ridiculous because they are spreading, they are poisonous and they are just too warty and horrid looking!!!
Firstly, they are spreading all over Australia and destroying our animals, waters and plants as they go! If they keep spreading, we will have no beautiful Australia left. If you just keep breeding them as pets, they will spread even more!
Also they are dangerously poisonous and are killing our native animals such as quolls, crocodiles and goannas. Imagine if your pet cane toad was hopping around the yard and your beloved and special dog or cat tried to eat it and then died overnight and it`s all your fault!
Don't forget that they are horribly ugly, warty and fat little creatures! You don`t enter cane toads in best looking toad or in the show. That is something for a dog, cat, budgie or a pony!
Cane toads are shocking things to own! So if you have a cane toad pet, you should be ashamed! They are ruining our environment! So do Australia a favour and if you find a cane toad, put it in a plastic bag and freeze it! Thankyou!
Emma McCallum 2/3H