Snuggly Blanket My snuggly green blanket, I snuggle up to it, On cold nights. I hear the cold night above, And the trees swaying threateningly. My blanket and I are a bit scared. By Emily Manzin
Floppy Polo Old, floppy Polo My first teddy bear. Hangs on the monkey bars, Snuggles up in bed. The little beans inside him shake. I can't live without him! By Rosie North
In the sewer,
A slimy rat creeps along,
It squeals like a pig,
It is so scarey.
By Elissa Galpen
Message in a Bottle
Please help me!-I am stranded on a desert island. I am going to get eaten by tiger snakes. The sea is green and full of barbed wire. It is green because snakes shred their skin on shore and the tide takes them out to sea. There are sharks and electric eels. Send me a dozen chocolate bars, a dozen cans of soda and the navy.
By Duncan Hughes
Messages From a Mouse
1. Go and set the mouse trap and buy some peanut butter-NOT!.
2. Don't stomp on me because I will be squished into the carpet.
3. Please buy a chunk of cheese and put it in my mouse hole.
By Emily Manzin
I love the sound of birds singing, I hate the sound of paper ripping, I love the sound of tanks driving, I hate the sound of mice squeaking, I love the sound of lions roaring, I hate the sound of brooms swishing. By Angus Emery (2/3H)
| SOUNDS I love the sound of trees swaying, I hate the sound of cars smashing, I love the sound of cats purring, I hate the sound of people eating, I love the sound of birds chirping, I hate the sound of sirens screaming. By Calypso McKenzie (2/3H)
SOUNDS I love the sound of bees buzzing, I hate the sound of cars speeding, I love the sound of sirens blaring, I hate the sound of brooms swishing. By Duncan Barlagen (2/3H)
I love the sound of boats drifting, I hate the sound of ship's horns blaring, I love the sound of planes flying, I hate the sound of bells ringing, I love the sound of trees blowing, I hate the sound of branches falling, I love the sound of waves crashing, I hate the sound of mice screeching, I love the sound of horses neighing. By Eloise Ritchie (2/3H)
Animals on the Loose
6 animals have escaped from the zoo and it takes 6 different forms of transport to get them back.
What can be done?
I put the polar bear in the refrigerated truck because it is cold enough for him.
I put the echidna on the motorbike because it is small enough for him.
I put the shark in the milk tanker so he can swim.
I put the bat in the ute so he can't fly out.
I put the tiger in the station wagon so he can't get out.
I put the gorilla in the cattle truck so he can move around.
Ellie Fishlock 1/2R
I put the bat on the motorbike because it will stay calm.
I put the polar bear in the refrigerated truck because it is cold enough for him.
I put the tiger in the ute because it will stay there.
I put the gorilla in the cattle truck because it will calm him down.
I put the echidna in the station wagon because it won't poke anyone.
I put the shark in the milk truck so it can swim around.
Duncan Hughes 1/2R